3 Income Sources through which I made 1 Lakh at age 22 #Shorts



Read to make money?

Passive Income Ideas through which I made 1 Lakh at age 22

Freelancing is my core skill, it’s not my passive income but yeah if you’re a college student or job doer then you can start freelancing & generate passive income.

These 3 income sources have made me generating 1 lakh at the age of 22.

I invest the majority of my time in Freelancing. My favorite is Info- Product!

Info Products are the digital products – valuable information shared in a structured way. Examples can be high-end videos, recorded video, e-books, and recorded webinars.

Why? Let me tell you!

☑️With Info-Product I can spread the knowledge that I have acquired over the years, by packaging it into an info product format and selling it online.

☑️Info- Products also provide high profit margins as there is little manufacturing cost and almost no distribution cost. You can scale it faster and easier.

☑️The amount of money you can make from selling info products is growing every year. And that is a lucrative space to occupy if you have the right guide to getting started.

Do you also want to increase your income and hit massive revenue goals for your business or become a High Income Freelancer?

If YES, then :
[Join my Freelance 101 Academy to become High Income Freelancer like me & my other students here- https://www.sahelichatterjee.com]

📌Join our waitlist to enroll & win early bird offer

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Hi Saheli Chatterjee here- I’m a Social Media Expert who helps in building powerful, profitable careers and businesses online using Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook!

👉 If you are a Freelancer, learn :
How to get started as a Freelancer (even if you have no skills yet)
How to get Clients and the exact emails I used to pitch my Clients
How To get High Paying Clients if you’re already a Freelancer but getting low-quality clients
(Join my Freelance Academy – https://www.sahelichatterjee.com/free…)

👉 If you are looking to build your Personal Brand using social media, then I am right here for you:)
Email me or Join me on Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter to know me and my work 🙂

Instagram – https://instagram.com/sahelichatterje…
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/82245…
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/saheli-ch…